Series 1.1 | September 2024
Welcome to our Small Business Newsletter! Designed with you in mind, this newsletter is your go-to resource for tips, insights, and updates to help your business thrive. Whether starting out or looking to grow, we’re here to support your journey. We look to provide you with valuable content tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of running a small business in our community. Let’s build success together!
Industry Insider
Organizations lose an average of 5% of their revenue annually to fraud, costing on average $8,300 per month and continuing for up to 12 months before being detected. Let us help safeguard your business, reach out to our business services team today to explore how POS PAY can offer protection and prevent such losses. Email: [email protected] call: 815-632-4620.

Funding Finds
- Ameren Illinois – Not-for-Profit organizations only
- Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation – For Profit & NFP
- Founders First – Veteran owned businesses
Interested in these grants or assistance with searching for additional opportunities, email us at [email protected]. We’re here to help!
Community Engagement
Strengthening our communities is central to Sauk Valley Bank’s culture. This year, SVB employees have contributed 797 hours to non-profits across the Sauk Valley, making a meaningful impact in our communities.

Spotlight Special
LaughterThe Illinois Small Business Development Center(SBDC) at Sauk Valley Community College is part of astatewide network providing no-cost professionaladvising to individuals and businesses. Reopened in2017, the center is supported by local counties, cities,banks, and organizations, with funding from the SmallBusiness Administration and Illinois Department ofCommerce and Economic Opportunity.
Services include:
- Customized workshops and training for all stages of business growth
- Networking opportunities
- Specialized guidance beyond start-up and growth
- Access to a broader network of resources
America's SBDC Illinois at SVCC

Sauk Valley Community College
173 Illinois Route 2
Dixon, IL 61021, USA
Phone: 815-835-6244
Appointments Required
Office Hours:
Monday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Thursday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 12PM

Rave Reviews
“The Illinois SBDC helped me with all the stepsin buying a business, including licensure andtaxation. I absolutely recommend the IllinoisSBDC, they will be of great help for yourbusiness no matter the level of assistance youmight need.”
- Amanda Manthei, North End Auto & Tire LLC
Lead With Laughter
Why did the scarecrow become a successful manager?
Because he was outstanding in his field!
Small Business & Community Relations Team